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DCM INSTANT TD® the organic soil improver with biostimulant based on Trichoderma

is a basic fertiliser of plant origin NPK 3-1-2,5 with extra Trichoderma. Trichoderma speeds up the release of nutrients from organic raw materials, which improves and accelerates the absorption of these nutrients (N, P, K + micronutrients). In addition, the application of Trichoderma in the rhizosphere ensures a higher biodiversity and a more active soil life. This results in better rooting, better above-ground growth, a higher success rate for seedlings and cuttings, better quality plants and increased resistance to abiotic stress.

This product is suitable for diverse applications in situations of poor soil fertility requiring a user-friendly mini-granule, such as:

  • potting soils and other substrates naturally poor in useful and active microbial life

  • soils and substrates after soil steaming / soil fumigation (when all the gas/heat has disappeared from the soil)

  • top layers of sports turfs and golf courses, which are naturally poor in organic matter and inert as far as soil life is concerned

  • soils damaged by heavy machinery, soils subject to intensive treading, compacted soils

is available in MINIGRAN®form: a dust-free and homogeneously composed microgranule that ensures optimal distribution in the soil or substrate.

What makes DCM INSTANT TD® so special?

  • Multiple strains of Trichoderma: these are organisms that belong to the free-living soil fungi naturally occurring in the soil

  • Each Trichoderma has its own biostimulant effect

  • The application of in the rhizosphere ensures higher biodiversity and a more active soil life

  • The raw materials of plant origin and high organic matter content improve biological soil fertility

  • MINIGRAN® for optimal distribution in the substrate! Easy to dose in the mixing line, like all other DCM MINIGRAN® products

  • MINIGRAN® is perfectly suitable, even for the smallest plug and pot sizes