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Test result

40% less losses thanks to the combination of DCM VIVIMUS® and DCM MIX 2

The planting season has started again. But many things can go wrong when creating a new lawn or a border. How to ensure a fast start and minimal losses? We checked it out for you and explain it below.

Every year in September, DCM organizes a national demo day for garden contractors called “Nationale Demodag Hoveniers (NDH)”. On this day, DCM lays out a number of demo fields using different construction and fertilization strategies.

The photos below show the 3 demo fields laid out by DCM.

Trial 1: DCM Method

Soil improvement: DCM VIVIMUS®

Maintenance: May: DCM MIX 2

August: DCM MIX 2

Trial 2: Traditional method

Soil improvement: Green compost

Maintenance: May: Chemical fertiliser: 12+10+18

August: Chemical fertiliser: 12+10+18

Trial 3: No treatment

Soil improvement: None

Maintenance: None

The DCM method turned out to be the most successful in practice. The DCM trial field had a loss rate of only 1%, whereas it was over 39% for the traditional trial field (trial 2) ! Beech and Ilex, in particular, lagged far behind, with a loss rate of 75%!

To get your plants off to the best possible start, you should therefore opt for "the power of the combination" and follow the steps below.

1. Improve the soil

DCM VIVIMUS® soil improver creates a humus-rich, airy soil structure with a high water retention capacity, ensuring fast rooting and better initial growth.

2. Add nutrients

Simply improving the soil, however, is not enough. Adding nutrients is necessary to ensure good initial growth of plants and lawn.

DCM MIX 2, an organic fertiliser containing 65% organic matter, is ideally suited for lawns, hedges and planting zones. It provides the plants with essential nutrients right from the start and ensures good initial growth.

As a result, maintenance costs can be considerably reduced because :

  • less weed control is needed;

  • there is less loss of plants

Find out more about the benefits of a good soil structure.