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DCM SPORTS TURF FERTILISERS - We would like to introduce you to our best players...

DCM organic fertilisers have set the standard for many years when it comes to fertilizing football pitches and other grass sports fields. Their long and controlled duration of action ensures long-term and continuous grass growth, avoiding growth peaks and consequently extra mowing.

In addition, DCM organic fertilisers guarantee environmentally friendly and cost-effective fertilization. Trials have repeatedly shown that DCM fertilisers leach significantly less into the environment, which increases efficiency.

Thanks to MINIGRAN® TECHNOLOGY, a unique microgranulation process, DCM fertilisers can be spread evenly on the football pitch, resulting in homogeneous growth and colour. In addition, thanks to the unique phosphorus effect, the turf is much stronger and more deeply rooted and therefore less susceptible to damage during intense use.

Axel Geerinck;
fieldmanager KAA Gent

"In spring, I start fertilizing the main pitch as well as the training fields with DCM START. Thanks to its high nitrogen content, this fertiliser ensures that the grass starts to grow again. This way, the turf is strengthed so that it can better withstand the rigors of intense play during the season."

Frans Vercammen;
fieldmanager KRC Genk

"Besides the main pitch, we also have several training fields at KRC Genk on which the youth teams play several hours a week and that are often used for tournaments. In addition to the mechanical treatments to increase the amount of air in the soil, I have also been using DCM organic fertilisers for several for years now. They ensure uniform turf grass growth, without growth peaks or growth stagnation. Moreover the turf shows deeper and stronger roots so it can withstand frequent and intense play, and bare patches are less likely to occur."

Franky De Vroe;
fieldmanager KV Mechelen

"Every year, we make an appeal to DCM to draw up our fertiliser schedule. Depending on the nutrient status of the soil, DCM gives us fertiliser recommendations that are perfectly tailored to the different fields of our club. The fact that the organic fertilisers ensure a smooth but continuous growth without growth peaks is very important to us. This allows us to determine our work and mowing schedules in advance."