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DCM OLEGA® FER foliar iron fertiliser

Iron plays an important role in protein and chlorophyll synthesis. An iron deficiency will reduce chlorophyll production, leading to inhibited plant growth and even premature leaf loss. The most effective solution to iron deficiency is to add iron to the soil.
But with DCM OLEGA® FER, a liquid foliar iron fertiliser, you can quickly and efficiently tackle a poor availability or visible deficiency.

There are many different types of foliar fertiliser on the market. What makes a good foliar fertiliser? For DCM OLEGA® FER  (fer), we have looked at what works best in practice.

The following advantages make this foliar fertiliser highly suitable for remedying iron deficiency:

  • As the iron contained in this fertiliser is largely ‘plant-specific’ (as present in the plant), it is absorbed very quickly after spraying the product on the leaves (little to no residue on the fruit).

  • Very mild action, which means a lower risk of leaf burn (CAF test: applied during a hot summer day and no leaf burn!)

  • Easily miscible with other agents (no foaming).

  • Very competitive price.