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DCM OLEGA® FER for fast and intense greening

  • Foliar fertiliser 3 % N + 3 % Fe + seaweed extract

  • Seaweed extract in combination with plant-specific iron and urea nitrogen ensures better uptake through the leaves and a stronger effect on growth

  • Prevents and quickly remedies iron deficiency

  • For a quick and more intense greening response

  • Lower risk of leaf burn compared to purely synthetic iron fertilisers, making it safer to use

  • Faster uptake than soil fertilization and irrespective of soil conditions (pH, soil temperature)

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  • standard dose: : 7 - 10 L/ha
    dilute with minimum 400 litres of water per hectare; according to necessity, 3, preferably 5 applications with an interval of 10 – 14 days

  • fast greening response: 40 - 60 L/ha
    dilute with 700 - 1000 litres of water per hectare