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Fertilizing greens

Greens must meet high expectations. After the winter, it’s essential to ensure that the grass starts to grow again by applying an N-rich fertiliser in spring. For fertilizing in summer, DCM offers balanced formulas. The organic nutrients contained in these fertilisers are released gradually to obtain continuous grass growth and constant ball speed. Their adapted potassium content ensures a strong turf that is resistant to treading. The extra magnesium and iron promote a deep green grass colour.


  • NPK 14-4-8 + 3 MgO + 0,05% Fe (EDTA)

  • For a good (re)growth in spring and a continuous growth during the season

  • No undesired growth peaks thanks to the combination of immediately absorbable and long-lasting organic nutrients

  • The adapted potassium content guarantees a better resistance to treading and drought

  • With iron chelate and magnesium for an intense green grass colour


  • NPK 6-3-20 + 3 MgO + 0,1 % Fe (EDTA)

  • Adapted fertiliser containing a high amount of long-lasting potassium

  • Magnesium and iron chelate have been added for a deep green grass colour

  • Also suitable for fertilizing light, potassium-poor soils


Read more about our unique MINIGRAN® TECHNOLOGY here.