Many problems that occur in our gardens are due to poor soil structure (poor nutrient uptake, dying plants, excess water in the top layer, grass that doesn't get any denser...). Once the garden has been laid out, it is no longer easy and sometimes even impossible to improve the structure of the soil under the lawn and between the ornamental plants.
That’s why the ideal time, and often also the only possible time, to prepare the soil thoroughly and to incorporate a safe organic soil improver is when you are laying out a lawn or (trans)planting ornamental plants. So don’t forget this step!
can be used just before sowing or planting
safe and without risk of burning
free from pathogens, weed seeds…
easy to apply without requiring extra work or the use of heavy machines
Unique combination of different organic raw materials
Creates a crumbly soil structure
Provides oxygen in the root zone
Dried and concentrated: for a high percentage of organic matter (50 %)
Enriched with basic nutrients
Safe for young plants
dosage: 15 – 25 kg/100 m² enriched mixed organic soil improver, rich in organic matter
Unique soil improver, used for years in professional horticulture
Contains “young” organic matter for rapid stimulation of soil life
Rich in stable organic matter for continuous humus build-up
Bacillus sp. releases soil phosphorus and makes it absorbable: better rooting and stronger plants
dosage: 15 – 25 kg/100 m² enriched mixed organic soil improver, rich in organic matter
Creates the ideal root environment for young plants: fast rooting and good initial growth
Decomposes very slowly: optimal soil structure over a long period of time
Contains beneficial soil bacteria (Bacillus sp.) for improved nutrient uptake
To mix into the soil when planting acid-loving plants such as heather, rhododendron, azalea, camelia, blue hydrangea, pieris, skimmia …
Improves soil structure, stimulates rooting and soil life
Has an adapted acidity level for acid-loving plants
Suitable for organic gardening
dosage: fill the planting hole or trench with a mixture of 1 part DCM VIVIMUS® and 1 to 2 parts of excavated soil