DCM VIVISOL®-AGRI: unique soil improver for arable crops

What arable crops need is a good soil structure and an active and varied soil life. In such an environment, plant roots can develop optimally, potatoes, onions, maize, celeriac and other crops grow more easily and stay healthy. And that is exactly what DCM VIVISOL®-AGRI soil improver does for arable crops: it creates a rich microbial life and optimizes soil and plant health. The result? An even better yield both in terms of quantity and quality.

DCM VIVISOL®-AGRI has a high organic matter content, which stimulates the development of a rich variety of soil life. In addition, the added Bacillus sp. improve the availability of the nutritients (including phosphorus) present in the soil.


DCM VIVISOL®-AGRI is an organic soil improver for arable crops composed of raw materials of plant origin, with an organic matter content of 60%. It is enriched with Bacillus sp. (106 CFU/gram), has a homogenous composition and comes in the form of a very fine mini-granule (1-2 mm).

Bacillus sp.

When should DCM VIVISOL®-AGRI be applied?

The most critical time for arable crops is just after planting or sowing. Circumstances such as increasingly extreme weather conditions, poor soil life or soil conditions as well as excessive use of chemical fertilisers do not facilitate the crop start. Arable crops need a good soil quality and a diverse soil life just after planting or sowing. DCM VIVISOL®-AGRI actively stimulates soil life! As a result, soil processes run optimally.
minigran strooienminigran strooien

The multiple adavantages of DCM VIVISOL®-AGRI

Higher yields and better quality

DCM VIVISOL®-AGRI creates an optimal root environment when sowing and planting arable crops. These better starting conditions ensure healthy roots and plants, as well as more uniform crops, higher yields and better quality.

A more active soil life

DCM VIVISOL®-AGRI combines quickly degradable and stable organic matter. The quickly degradable organic matter stimulates the activity of soil life. The stable organic matter increases the humus content in the root zone.

Improved nutrient availability

Once DCM VIVISOL®-AGRI soil improver has been applied to the fields the microorganisms in the soil transform organic matter into nutrients for themselves and for the plants. Humic and fulvic acids are naturally released during these soil processes. The nutrients that are already present in the soil thus become more available to the plant roots. The result? Higher fertilization efficiency and better plant growth.

Phosphorus becomes absorbable

Even though phosphorus is an essential nutrient for good plant growth, the application of a phosphorus fertiliser is often not possible in today's arable farming. This is the case when the phosphorus content of the soil is too high or when the authorized annual input of phosphorus has been reached, for example after the application of slurry. However, phosphorus remains an essential element for good plant growth, including for root formation. DCM VIVISOL®-AGRI offers a solution. The added bacteria (Bacillus sp.) colonize the rhizosphere and release the soil phosphorus, making it available to the plant roots.

MINIGRAN® TECHNOLOGY: ideal for row fertilization

DCM VIVISOL®-AGRI is a soil improver in a specific sieved MINIGRAN® fraction. Because of their diameter of 1 to 2 mm, the granules can be spread evenly and accurately in the seed or plant row by using all types of microgranule spreaders. As a result the MINIGRAN® granules are in the immediate vicinity of the young roots assuring a rapid colonization of the rhizosphere. Seeding or planting and spreading DCM VIVISOL®-AGRI can be carried out in one single pass.

DCM VIVISOL®-AGRI is also suitable for use in organic agriculture.

MINIGRAN® technology

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